Interview with Lt Gen KJS Dhillon



Lt Gen KJS Dhillon is a highly respected military officer known for his exceptional leadership skills and contributions to national security. With a distinguished career spanning several decades, Lt Gen Dhillon has played a crucial role in various military operations, including counter-terrorism efforts in Jammu and Kashmir. In this exclusive interview, we delve into his experiences, insights on military leadership, and thoughts on the evolving challenges to national security.

Q: Thank you, Lt Gen Dhillon, for taking the time to speak with us today. Let's start with your experiences in leading military operations in challenging environments. What are the key qualities a leader must possess to effectively navigate such situations?

A: Thank you for having me. In demanding situations, leadership plays a pivotal role. Firstly, a leader must have a clear vision and the ability to articulate it to the team. This ensures that everyone understands the mission and is motivated to achieve it. Secondly, adaptability is essential. Conditions on the ground can change rapidly, and leaders must be flexible enough to modify plans accordingly. Lastly, effective communication is critical. Leaders must establish open channels to foster trust, provide guidance, and address concerns within the team.

Q: As a leader, how do you maintain morale and motivation among your troops during extended deployments or high-stress situations?

A: Maintaining morale and motivation is an ongoing challenge, particularly in prolonged deployments or high-stress scenarios. Regular interaction with the troops is vital, as it helps in understanding their concerns and providing the necessary support. Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance also boosts morale. Additionally, creating an environment of camaraderie and fostering a sense of purpose among the troops helps in sustaining motivation levels.

Q: Jammu and Kashmir has been a region of persistent conflict. Could you elaborate on the unique challenges you encountered and how you addressed them?

A: Jammu and Kashmir indeed pose unique challenges due to the complex security situation. The challenges range from counter-terrorism operations to managing civil-military relations. A comprehensive approach that combines security measures with development initiatives is crucial. We focused on building trust and engaging with the local population to counter radicalization. Collaboration with various stakeholders, including the local administration and intelligence agencies, was key to addressing these challenges effectively.

Q: In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in unconventional threats, such as cyber warfare and hybrid warfare. How do you see these evolving challenges impacting national security?

A: Indeed, the nature of warfare has evolved, and unconventional threats like cyber warfare and hybrid warfare pose significant challenges to national security. These threats are not limited by geographical boundaries, and their impact can be widespread. As military leaders, we must adapt and enhance our capabilities to counter such threats. This includes investing in advanced technologies, developing robust cyber defense, and strengthening intelligence-gathering mechanisms. Close collaboration between the military, intelligence agencies, and other stakeholders is crucial in mitigating these evolving challenges.

Q: As a leader, how do you balance the need for national security with respect for human rights and the rule of law?

A: Balancing national security with human rights and the rule of law is a critical responsibility for any leader. Upholding these principles is essential to maintain the trust and support of the people. It requires a meticulous approach in planning and executing operations, with a focus on minimizing collateral damage and respecting human rights. Regular training and awareness programs for the troops on the importance of these principles are also vital. Additionally, maintaining transparency and accountability in our actions helps build trust with the local population.

Q: Looking ahead, what do you see as the key priorities for ensuring national security in the coming years?

A: Looking to the future, several key priorities must be addressed to ensure national security. Firstly, enhancing technological capabilities is crucial for addressing emerging threats. This includes investing in areas such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, surveillance systems, and advanced weaponry. By staying ahead of the curve technologically, we can effectively counter evolving challenges.

Secondly, fostering international collaborations and partnerships is essential. In an interconnected world, addressing security concerns requires collective efforts. Engaging with other nations, sharing intelligence, and coordinating operations can significantly enhance our national security.

Thirdly, investing in the training and development of our armed forces is paramount. Continuous skill enhancement, incorporating lessons learned from past operations, and adopting modern warfare techniques are vital to maintain a highly capable and adaptable military force.

Furthermore, focusing on intelligence gathering and analysis is crucial. Timely and accurate information enables effective decision-making and proactive measures against potential threats.

Lastly, addressing the root causes of conflicts and instability is important. Social and economic development, ensuring good governance, and addressing grievances can help in reducing the breeding grounds for extremism and terrorism.

Q: In your opinion, what role does public perception and trust play in national security?

A: Public perception and trust play a significant role in national security. The support and cooperation of the public are vital in countering security challenges effectively. When the public has faith in the capabilities and intentions of the armed forces, it strengthens the overall security environment. Transparency, accountability, and regular engagement with the public help in building and maintaining trust. Additionally, effective communication and information dissemination regarding security threats and measures contribute to public awareness and cooperation.

Q: Throughout your career, what has been your most memorable or rewarding experience as a military leader?

A: It's difficult to single out one specific experience, as every operation and engagement has its own unique significance. However, witnessing the positive impact of our efforts in fostering stability, development, and a sense of security among the local population has been truly rewarding. The moments when we were able to bring about positive changes in the lives of people affected by conflict are the most memorable for me.

Q: As someone who has served in Jammu and Kashmir, could you share your perspective on the abrogation of Article 370?

A: The abrogation of Article 370 was a significant step towards integrating Jammu and Kashmir with the rest of India. The special status provided by Article 370 had become a source of political instability and hindered the development of the region. The abrogation has opened up opportunities for economic and social development, as well as improving governance and accountability in the region.

Q: There have been concerns raised about the impact of the abrogation on the human rights situation in Jammu and Kashmir. What measures have been taken to address these concerns?

A: The government has taken several measures to ensure the protection of human rights in Jammu and Kashmir. This includes increasing the presence of security forces to maintain law and order, as well as providing support to the local administration for the restoration of essential services. Additionally, the government has taken steps to counter false propaganda and misinformation spread by certain elements to create unrest and instability in the region.

Q: What steps are being taken to address the concerns of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and ensure their participation in the democratic process?

A: The government is committed to ensuring the participation of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in the democratic process. The restoration of statehood to Jammu and Kashmir is a priority, as it will enable the people to elect their own representatives and participate in the decision-making process. Additionally, the government has taken steps to empower the local administration and promote grassroots democracy in the region.

Q: What is your opinion on the role of Pakistan in the situation in Jammu and Kashmir?

A: Pakistan has been a significant factor in the unrest and instability in Jammu and Kashmir. It has been providing support to terrorist groups and promoting a false narrative to create unrest in the region. The situation in Jammu and Kashmir is an internal matter of India, and Pakistan has no role to play in it. We urge Pakistan to refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of India and instead focus on addressing its own internal challenges.

Q: What message would you like to convey to the people of Jammu and Kashmir?

A: The people of Jammu and Kashmir are an integral part of India, and their welfare and development are of utmost importance. The government is committed to addressing their concerns and ensuring their participation in the democratic process. We urge the people of Jammu and Kashmir to work towards building a peaceful and prosperous future for themselves and for the country as a whole.

Q: As we conclude this interview, what advice would you give to aspiring military leaders?

A: My advice to aspiring military leaders would be to never stop learning and adapting. The world and security environment are constantly evolving, and it's essential to stay ahead of the curve. Embrace challenges, seek diverse experiences, and continuously develop your skills and knowledge. Leadership is not just about commanding; it's about inspiring and empowering others. Always lead by example, be empathetic towards your team, and maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. Remember that the welfare and trust of your troops should always be a top priority.

Q: Thank you, Lt Gen Dhillon, for sharing your valuable insights and experiences with us. Your leadership and contributions to national security are truly commendable.

A: Thank you for having me. It has been a pleasure to discuss these important topics. I hope our conversation contributes to a better understanding of military leadership and national security challenges.


